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Backing You To Achieve More

We're Federalcapitalcreditunions - the award-winning bank, trusted and highly rated by over a quarter of a million customers for more than a decade. With our range of specialist mortgages, savings accounts and business finance solutions, we're backing more people to go for it.

Create an Account


Transparent, safe and your way. Loan options that leave you in control from start to finish.


Investments from $1 and options for all profiles. An easy, safe and transparent experience.

Payment Assistant

Your personal assistant when it comes to paying the bills of the month, from the water bill to Pix to the English teacher.


Experience a seamless and secure way to manage your finances. Our comprehensive account services allow you to receive, transfer, and save.

Start Banking Effortlessly.

Invite Friends

Help a friend bank smarter with little to no fees, high savings rates, and a simple banking app to fit their busy lifestyle.

Account Alerts

Want to stay up-to-date on your activity? We’ve got you covered. Get real-time updates via text, push notifications, or email – it’s all up to you!

Send Money to Friends

Pay your friends directly from your account. All you need is their mobile number or email. It’s fast, easy, and secure..

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How can we help you?

Tailored private banking for your needs

We offer an exceptional level of service to our clients, giving them access to a premium banking experience, both onshore and offshore

Grow and preserve your wealth

Take a holistic approach to managing your wealth with access to both our financial planning and investment management services

Bespoke borrowing, made simple

Whether you’re buying your first home, looking to invest in property or building your next home, talk to us about what we can do for you.

Open a full USA bank account from your phone, for free.

We’re not most banks. In fact, we are the app-based bank, here to make things better for you. Our award-winning customer service and competitive mortgage and savings rates keep our customers smiling.


Regulated USA Bank Account


USA-based customer support


100% digital signup. Apply in minutes from your phone.

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Spend With Federalcapitalcreditunions

Spend Get instant notifications the second you pay. Set budgets for things like groceries and going out, and get warnings if you’re spending too fast (if you want them).

Saving With Federalcapitalcreditunions

Watch your money grow with Federalcapitalcreditunions personal and joint accounts. Earn 3.25% AER* / 3.19% Gross* (variable) interest on balances up to $5,000. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly.

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